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Function Registration

Note: This document reflects changes made in Excel-DNA v1.9.

Excel-DNA support the creation of user-defined functions for Excel in .NET. This document describes how functions are selected for registration, supported method signatures, method conversions and extension points.

Changes from earlier versions

In v1.9 we incorporate the functionality previously exposes in the separate ExcelDna.Registration library (and package) into the main Excel-DNA library. To use the extended registration features under older versions, explict registration was required. Under v1.9 we have:

  • expanded the supported parameter and return types for functions markes with [ExcelFunction].
  • added support for async and streaming functions and object handles (with the [return:ExcelHandle] and [ExcelHandle] attributes) in the main library
  • migrated registration extension points like FunctionExecutionHandler from the ExcelDna.Registration package to the main ExcelDna.Integration library.